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Recent studies show that the love doll industry is projected to reach a staggering $595.94 million by 2027. These figures, while surprising, reflect the increasing popularity of love dolls among individuals seeking companionship.

But what do you really know about love dolls? This blog post aims to answer all your questions, including what they are, the different types available, and more. Read on to learn more.

What is a Love Doll?

A sex doll is a type of masturbatory aid designed to resemble a human being. It is used for sexual pleasure and companionship.

Sex dolls come in various forms. These include full-sized dolls that are to scale. You can also get miniature dolls that focus on specific body parts such as breasts, buttocks, or genitals.

Who Invented Sex Dolls?

Back in the 17th century, Dutch sailors made hand-sewn leather puppets and exchanged them with Japanese sailors. These were some of the earliest recorded instances of sex toy use. The sailors were often lonely during their long voyages, leading to these inventions.

Jumping ahead a few centuries to the 1930s, a German surrealist artist named Hans Bellmer came into the picture. According to writer Anthony Ferguson, Bellmer is credited with creating the more modern version of the sex doll.

In more recent times, sex dolls have appeared in popular culture, often depicted in movies like “Old School” or the festival hit “Lars and the Real Girl.” Technological advancements have also led to the development of sex dolls equipped with artificial intelligence (AI), making them more responsive and lifelike.

Do You Really Need a Sex Doll?

Statistics show that up to 53% of American adults have used a sex toy to improve their sexual experience. This indicates a growing interest in enhancing sexual experiences. A love doll can offer that and more. Here are eight reasons why owning one could improve your life.

Embrace Your Individuality – A Companion Tailored to You

A realistic love doll can provide pleasure similar to that of a real person. There have been many advancements in materials and manufacturing, making it possible to give sex dolls a lifelike appearance and feel. Whether you’re single, divorced, widowed, or your partner is not around, a love doll can help satisfy your basic sexual needs.

Safe Pleasure Without Compromising Health

Engaging in safe and healthy sexual experiences is essential. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be easily transmitted without protection during intimate activities.

Love dolls offer a safer alternative because you’re the only user. This reduces the risk of contracting diseases or unplanned pregnancies.

Unleash Your Desires and Take Charge in Bed

If you’ve ever wished to have complete control over your intimate experiences, a love doll can make that fantasy a reality. With a doll, you’re the master of your desires. You can explore different positions and indulge in various forms of sexual intercourse.

Furthermore, you get to decide what pace and intensity suits you best. The doll’s unwavering willingness ensures an experience tailored solely to your preferences.

Beauty Meets Reality – Find Your Dream Companion

Fantasize about being with your ideal partner? Love dolls offer the opportunity to be with your dream girl or guy.

From a vast selection of skin tones, facial features, and body shapes available on the market to personalized customization services, you can create a doll that perfectly matches your vision. With a love doll, your dream companion is always within reach.

A Cost-Effective Alternative to Traditional Dating

Traditional dating can be time-consuming and financially demanding. In fact, dating costs close to $200 each month. Investing in a sex doll is a cost-effective alternative.

What’s more, you don’t have to sacrifice companionship and intimate experiences. The price of a love doll is comparable to a few months of dating expenses, offering an affordable and convenient solution.

Ignite Your Passion and Explore New Pleasures

Love dolls offer endless opportunities to spice up your sex life. They come in various types, including ones tailored to different genders, body types, and more.

Whatever your preferences, you’re sure to find something that suits your needs. You can also experiment with roleplay and dress up the doll for added excitement and variety.

Drama-Free Intimacy – Unconditional Support and Loyalty

Relationships can with their fair share of drama, stress, and emotional challenges. A love doll can be the perfect companion when you need unconditional love and support. You won’t have to worry about mood swings, unnecessary drama, or even betrayal.

Emotional Healing and Support

Going through a breakup can be emotionally draining, but a love doll can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and sadness. It can serve as a temporary companion, offering comfort and intimacy as you heal from the breakup. It provides a sense of closeness and fulfillment without the risk of disappointment.

Types of Love Dolls

Love dolls come in various types, each offering unique features, materials, and aesthetics. Understanding the differences between these types can help you make an informed decision when choosing the perfect love doll for your preferences. Let’s compare and contrast the different types of love dolls available on the market:

Inflatable Love Dolls

Inflatable or blow up dolls are the most affordable option. They are typically made of PVC or vinyl materials and have a basic design. These dolls require manual inflation and are lightweight, making them easy to store and transport.

However, they lack realism and durability compared to other types of love dolls. Inflatable dolls may also require careful handling to avoid punctures or leaks.

  • Pros: Affordable, lightweight, easy to store and transport
  • Cons: Lack of realism, less durable, require manual inflation

Silicone Love Dolls

Silicone love dolls are known for their lifelike feel and appearance. They’re made of high-quality non-toxic material, which provides a realistic skin texture and elasticity. Silicone dolls are durable and resistant to tearing, making them long-lasting companions.

They are also easier to clean compared to other materials. However, silicone dolls tend to be more expensive than other types, and their weight can make them challenging to move or pose.

  • Pros: Realistic feel and appearance, durable, easier to clean
  • Cons: Higher price range, heavy, limited flexibility

TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) Love Dolls

TPE love dolls offer a softer and more flexible texture compared to silicone dolls. They provide a realistic touch and are often more affordable than silicone dolls.

TPE dolls can be more forgiving when it comes to poses and movements due to their flexibility. However, TPE dolls may require more meticulous cleaning and maintenance, as they are more prone to staining and oil absorption.

  • Pros: Soft and flexible texture, more affordable than silicone, forgiving poses
  • Cons: Require meticulous cleaning, prone to staining and oil absorption

Realistic Love Dolls

Realistic love dolls are designed to closely resemble the human form. They feature detailed facial features, body proportions, and anatomical accuracy. These dolls often have articulated skeletons or joints, allowing for more realistic posing and positioning during intimate encounters.

Realistic dolls are available in both silicone and TPE materials, providing a wide range of options for users seeking an immersive experience.

  • Pros: Highly detailed and lifelike, articulated joints for posing, available in silicone and TPE
  • Cons: Higher price range, can be heavy and less mobile

Anime Love Dolls

Anime love dolls, also known as anime-inspired or fantasy dolls, cater to individuals who appreciate a more artistic and animated aesthetic. These dolls are often designed with exaggerated features, such as large eyes, colorful hair, and petite body shapes, resembling characters from anime or manga.

Anime dolls can be made from silicone or TPE, offering a unique blend of fantasy and realism.

  • Pros: Unique artistic aesthetic, resemblance to anime or manga characters
  • Cons: Limited appeal to specific preferences, availability may vary

Choosing the Right Love Doll for You

Love dolls come in different types and finding the right one for your needs is a process. Below are some tips and advice to help you make an informed decision when selecting, buying, using, and caring for a love doll.

Determine Your Preferences

Start by identifying your preferences regarding the doll’s physical appearance, body type, facial features, and other characteristics. Consider factors such as skin color, hair color and style, eye color, and body proportions to find a doll that matches your desired aesthetic. From small sex dolls to busty ones, there is something for everyone.

Select the Appropriate Material

Love dolls are commonly made of silicone or TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer). Silicone offers a more realistic feel and is generally more durable but tends to be pricier.

TPE provides a softer and more flexible texture and is often more affordable. Consider your priorities regarding realism, budget, and maintenance when choosing the material.

Set a Budget

Determine your budget range before exploring options. Love dolls vary in price depending on factors such as size, material quality, level of customization, and brand. Consider your financial capacity and find a doll that offers the best balance between price and quality.

Consider Customization Options

Some sex doll brands offer customization options, allowing you to personalize your love doll with specific features, such as facial expressions, body shape, and accessories. Explore these options if you want a more unique and personalized doll.

Carefully Read Product Descriptions and Specifications

Pay attention to the details provided in product descriptions, including dimensions, weight, and specific features. This information will help you choose a doll that aligns with your size preferences and requirements. Also, get to know what’s included in your order.

Use Appropriate Lubricants

When engaging in intimate activities with your love doll, use water-based lubricants to enhance comfort and prevent damage to the doll’s material. Avoid using oil-based or silicone-based lubricants, as they can degrade the doll’s surface.

Prioritize Privacy and Discretion

Ensure that you have a secure and private space to store and use your love doll. Consider investing in a lockable storage container or dedicated storage area to protect your doll from unwanted attention or access.

Caring for Your Love Doll

Caring for your love doll is crucial to maintain its cleanliness, appearance, and longevity. Below are some essential tips on how to care for your love doll:


After each use, thoroughly clean your doll to remove any bodily fluids or lubricants. Use a mild, non-abrasive soap or a recommended cleaning solution specifically designed for love dolls.

Gently wipe the doll’s skin with a soft cloth or sponge, paying attention to crevices and hard-to-reach areas. Rinse the doll with warm water to remove any residue from the cleaning agent. Ensure the doll is completely dry before storage to prevent the growth of mold or mildew.


Store your love doll in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and humidity. To prevent dust or lint from accumulating on the doll’s skin, consider covering it with a clean, breathable cloth or using a specialized storage bag.

Avoid storing the doll in a position that puts excessive pressure on its limbs or joints. Use a doll stand or a soft cushion to provide support and maintain proper posture.


When moving or repositioning your doll, handle it with care to prevent accidental damage. Avoid pulling or tugging on the limbs forcefully.

Support the weight of the doll properly, especially when lifting or carrying it. Use both hands and distribute the weight evenly to avoid straining the doll’s joints or causing any tearing.

Clothing and Accessories

If your love doll wears clothing or accessories, remove them before cleaning the doll. Follow the care instructions provided with the garments to ensure proper washing and dry cleaning. When dressing or undressing your doll, do it gently to avoid any unnecessary stretching or tearing of the clothing.

Regularly inspect clothing and accessories for any signs of wear or damage. Replace them as needed to maintain the doll’s overall appearance.

Maintenance Products

Use maintenance products specifically designed for love dolls to preserve their material and keep them in optimal condition. Apply a light layer of baby powder or talcum powder to the doll’s skin occasionally to help maintain its smoothness and prevent any stickiness.

Avoid the Following

Keep your love doll away from sharp objects, open flames, or any potential sources of heat that could damage the doll’s material. Avoid exposing the doll to colored fabrics or materials that may transfer dye onto the doll’s skin.

Order Your Love Doll Today!

Having love dolls opens up a world of exciting possibilities and allows you to fulfill your desires in a safe and satisfying way. If you’re ready to experience the companionship a love doll can provide, don’t hesitate to order yours today.

So why wait? Place your order today and embrace pleasure and satisfaction like never before.

Silicone Sex Dolls, fuck dolls, or sexbots – whatever you call them, silicone love doll is surging in their popularity. We customize your dream girl to match your fantasies. Do you have fetishes for a busty, BBW silicone sex doll and lusty blonde hot chick? Maybe, you’re more interested in an Asian love doll, a petite love doll. Without a doubt, it’s possible to sculpt realistic, intelligent sex robots based on your imagination.

We customize different sizes and features of your dream doll. Such as a mini love doll for easier and more convenient storage. In any case, your choice is possible. The fading stigma around sex toys and the rapidly increasing demand for love sex doll fueled the growth of the love doll industry.

Manufacturers and owners report that their dolls became great companions both for physical and emotional needs. They are fulfilling in bed and never say no because of their submissive nature. Silicone love dolls are pretty close to real women’s features in both appearance and touch. Nowadays, there are lots of choices of love dolls for sale; male, female, and even ladyboy sex doll.

History – Who Created Sex Dolls

Did you know that making love with a doll existed since ancient times? They are not the invention of modern thinking and technology. So, in this post, we’ll trace back to the roots of real love sex dolls and educate ourselves.

First love dolls were sculpted by Spanish and French sailors in the sixteenth century. The sailors stayed in isolation during long voyages, and these dolls served as their sex companions. Also known as Dames de Voyage, these dolls were made of sewn old clothes and were a direct predecessor to modern dolls.

After some time, the Dutch sold them to the Japanese during the Rangaku period. In Japan, they are also called Dutch wives. However, Dutch sailors weren’t the first to introduce the idea of making love with a doll that looks like ultra realistic sex dolls.

The first recorded mention of objects resembling sex dolls existed since 8 A.D. in Metamorphoses composed by the poet Ovid. In his poem, the poet wrote about a sculptor, Pygmalion, who carved a gorgeous woman from ivory and named her Galatea.

The sculptor fell in love with the doll and bathed, fed, and slept with it sexually. He prayed to the goddess Venus to bring the real love doll to life. The goddess turned Galatea into a breathing woman, and both had a son.

11th and 12th Century

Between the 11th and 12th Century, lifelike love dolls were carved, and they had vulva. Legends say that caressing the sexy busts of these statues provides sexual healing. Afterward, Dutch sailors introduced Dutch wives in the 15th Century.

Nazi’s Modern Sex Dolls

The world’s first modern-day realistic love dolls were made in Nazi Germany as part of the Borghild Field-Hygiene project. Accordingly, they were intended to prevent the death of Nazi soldiers due to STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

According to reports, the S.S. desired life like love dolls with round and full breasts, a rose hip that grips well, and a cheeky, naughty face. Although they asked to copy the face of Käthe von Nagy – a famous actress at that time. But she declined.

Based on the Nordish Nazi vision of gorgeousness, tall blonde rounded female love dolls were formed as the first model of Borghild. This model inspired Ruth Handler to create Barbie Dolls for kids.

After World War II, these dolls ramped up in underground popularity. Its high demand led the improvement over the years. In 1968, the first commercial advertisement featuring a silicon sex doll appeared in porn magazines. Same year, the shipment of life size sex toys via mail became legal.

In the late twentieth century, the sexy love dolls industry took multiple technological leaps. By the 1970s, latex, vinyl, and silicone had become popular materials used to sculpt a silicone doll. Silicone is the most popular material due to the level of realism it delivers to the dolls. The material results in aesthetically pleasing and more realistic silicone doll sex. However, inflatable love dolls remained common due to their affordability.

First “Realistic” Sex Doll

In 1996, 29-year-old Matt McMullen created the first female adult love doll that was anatomically correct in appearance and feel. He named the doll Leah, and McMullen now runs Real Dolls – one of the most famous sex doll brands in the world.

Realistic silicone sex dolls boast a poseable PVC skeleton paired with movable steel joints and realistic silicone flesh. Currently, these best love dolls are available in a variety of customizable body types, an impressive choice of 15 faces, and various skin tones.

Now, manufacturers of best love doll started brainstorming new creative ways to make their models look more realistic. Still, lifelike dolls for adults didn’t come into existence until decades later. After all, new technologies led to substantial improvement from naked marble statues to ragged clothes.

Howard Stern hosted McMullen with one of his dolls, and Stern allegedly fucked the real love sex doll on his show. Eventually, this episode was a turning point in the history of dolls. Many silicone ass sex toy manufacturers and aspiring entrepreneurs dived into this untapped market.

Love Doll Japan Company Renting Out Dutch Wives

In 2005, the Japanese brand Forest Dolls had more than 40 stores countrywide. The Japanese love doll was available for rent, and the hourly rate in 2005 was about 13,000 yen. Also, users can rent out wigs and costumes to enhance their sexual experiences with Dutch Wives. Undeniably, it is also one of the great contributors to the surging popularity of life size dolls for men, particularly in Japan.

Lars And the Real Girl

In 2007, the Oscar-winning movie Lars and The Real Girl premiered. The movie focuses on a man who owns a Silicone Sex Doll. Lars (Ryan Gosling) is an extremely shy guy who finds it difficult to socialize. He announced to his brother and sister-in-law about his new girlfriend, who is a life size love doll. On the doctor’s advice, his family and the community got along with his delusion.

Hence, the movie contributed a lot to the popularity and acceptance of love doll sex.

Sexual Audio System in Japanese love dolls

In 2007, a Japanese company added an mp3 player attached to a built-in pressure sensor in a busty sex doll. Now, people can hear dolls moaning, maximizing their sexual pleasure. Many AI love dolls featuring this advanced system can speak and create warm conversations with you.

The First Male Flat Chested Love Doll

In 2009, Germany made the first Android male doll called Nax. The doll features an artificial automatic ejaculation and an automatically soaring penis. Currently, a wide range of customizable male love dolls and male robot dolls are available to buy.

Future Of Mistress Love Dolls

The sex industry is growing, and emerging technologies benefit by offering new ways to have pleasure. The industry has come forward leaps and bounds within the past few decades. This is due to new and improved materials and advanced manufacturing processes. At last, now manufacturers can make flexible and hyper realistic love doll.

Many enhanced materials for making dolls came into existence. Currently, TPE and silicone are the two most popular and commonly used materials to design beddable naked sex doll. Every brand is competing hard to create skin-like materials for their models.

This time, some users prefer one material over the other when it comes to designing their new love silicone doll or TPE sex doll. It’s not impossible what the coming breakthrough will be. Still, the industry needs a lot of research and development work to create new super realistic material.

Going Beyond Sex Robots

Meanwhile, sextech is not just about robot dolls. Many sextech experts say that sexuality encompasses everything, from pleasure and relationships to orgasms to health, crimes, gender identity, medicine, and much more. It also encompasses sexual preferences and identities.

The new-age dolls include super-advanced sexbots. These are robotic versions of silicone full size love doll– smart vibration, app-connected, massagers, and stimulators. Thus, these will bring you excellent sexual experiences.

Virtual reality and augmented reality provide a unique and realistic way to explore sexuality in a fulfilling and safe way. Undeniably, these technologies have become more realistic than ever before. Moreover, experts recommend that partners must discuss this matter to strengthen their relationships rather than to harm them.

Realistic Male Flat Chest Love Doll and Female Sex Robots

Significant progress was made to make sex robots very realistic and fully customizable. Many companies already started unveiling AI love doll that can mimic breathing and heartbeat. Certainly, making their models interact with partners like human beings.

A.I. and emerging technologies opened up a whole new world of opportunities for healthy sexual experiences. Even though there are many challenges and controversies around the topic, manufacturers are trying to address them legally and ethically.

As the market grew, dolls became more common, affordable, and realistic. Soon, in a decade or two, people will be able to buy fully-heated interactive and vibrating BBW love doll or A.I. sex robots. Therefore, choosing a preferred companion will become much easier and more accessible.

The Love Doll

Sex toys like dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, and more are usually made with silicone. This is because the silicone material is environmentally friendly and does not harm your skin in any way. No later allergies, no weird smell, and no sticky feeling with a love doll made from silicone.

A real silicone love doll is easy to bend into any position you want as it is very flexible. Most realistic dolls weigh roughly half of a real human being’s weight so that you can carry them around easily. They feel like a real human being.

The life like love dolls made of silicone are best for the sexual experience. They are smooth to the touch, warm when on your side, and feel like real human skin when you are inside.

What Is Silicone?

Silicone is a polymer material. It is normally used in making rubber materials, utensils, glue, and more. This is why silicone is also used in making lubricants, condoms, sex rings, and real life love dolls.

People generally get ass and boobs implants to give off a more sexual appeal. Those implants are also made of silicone. Sexy love dolls were initially made with tin-sure silicone material. But later on, as technology progressed, they were made with a hybrid variant material.

The material silicone rubber is used to make sex dolls. This gives them longevity and prevents them from damage. A silicone love doll is non-porous and stain-resistant. They do not retain humidity either.

Meaning, that you can climax all over them, and they will not damage, given if appropriately cleaned. They are rubber-like without the pungent smell of rubber and plastic. Silicone love dolls are resistant to heat and chemicals. Hence, these dolls are easy to clean and sterilize.

These sex dolls give you so much pleasure without asking for anything in return. You can even take a hot steamy shower with your love doll. They lay there and take whatever you can give them. Also, they can take you in any position and keep you warm all the time.

You should just clean your love doll in a few easy steps. You may not need to clean the next second immediately. However, sitting for a long time will make the material stick and difficult to clean.

How To Take Care of Your Beautiful Love Doll

Remove Your Love Doll’s Clothing and Accessories

This must have already happened even before you started. But, if you decide to have fun with clothes and accessories on, then you must remove them before cleaning your love doll.

Remove kinky accessories like chokers, harnesses, thigh-high fishnets, and garters. These sex doll accessories may have been great while having sex. However, accessories must be out of the way for you to clean your life size love doll thoroughly.

Also, remove the panties she was wearing when you were thrusting into her. It is better to take off the earrings, caps, wrist chains, and other accessories too. Think of this as stripping your pleasure doll completely naked and bathing her.

Wash the accessories separately to remove stains and sweat, just like you do with any other clothes. If you wash the love doll along with her clothes, sometimes the cloth color can stain the material of her body. So, you do not want her beautiful body in colorful stains from her dress, right?

Love Doll’s Removable Vagina and Anal Holes

Some manufacturers make their dolls with detachable vaginas. This is easy because when you climax inside your love doll, you can easily clean it without much hassle.

So, if your doll has a removable vagina, be sure to detach it after fucking. Then you can proceed with cleaning the hole and her other body parts. Holes attached to the body of your love doll can be a bit difficult to clean. There is limited access and vision while cleaning.

That is why a love doll with removable holes is more sellable. Remove the holes to wash and clean easily with soap and disinfectant using running tap water.

Clean Cavities; Their Mouth, Vagina, And Anus

Removable or not, you should have to clean the holes of your love doll. You may have used their mouth, vagina, or butt for pleasure and ejaculated in them.

Since silicone material is resistant to chemicals and heat, you can use antibacterial soap and mildly warm water. Take a bucket or container with warm water and mix it with disinfectant soap.

To clean the holes of the love doll, you will need a swab or double-sided brush. Coat the said brush with the water and soap mix. Now insert this brush into her holes, and be sure to run the brush along all her inner walls. Now remove the used brush and wash it off.

Repeat this process a few times, each time changing the water. You must be able to clean your jizz from the insides of the love doll in this way. You should dry the moisture in the holes after washing them. Moisture attracts bacteria, hence, do not let it sit.

A showerhead is also a good option if you want to clean your doll in the shower.  Use vaginal irrigators, or douche bulbs to clean the holes of the love doll. They come in various shapes and sizes, so you can easily insert them and clean her holes.

Kill off any remaining bacteria using a disinfectant. Place the doll in a dry towel after cleaning to absorb the remaining water.

Clean The Face and Body Parts of Your Love Doll

The face of your doll is a very important feature. All sex appeal is lost if your doll’s face is covered in stains and ruined makeup. All love dolls have beautiful doe eyes and pretty lips. You should make sure they stay like that.

Sweat while having sex or ejaculation after climaxing can affect the face of your love doll. Clean the face just like you do with other body parts.

Fill a container with fresh warm water mixed with disinfectant. Take a smooth hand towel and dip it in the water. Slowly run the damp towel over the face of the love doll removing all the stains.

Be careful not to be too hard near the eyelashes. If your love doll is wearing makeup, be sure to use oil-free makeup removers. Be careful not to use oil-based makeup removers as they leave behind stains. We do not want more stains from the products you use on her face, right?

For the body parts, you can similarly clean them. A full size love doll can be easily cleaned. But you should be sure to check thoroughly. Many people miss spots to clean in their dolls.

Clean The Hair of Your Love Doll

A simple shampoo and water are enough to clean your doll’s hair if there isn’t much mess. A love doll with removable heads and wigs needs cleaning as you might have gone rough while holding her hair.

Use a mild shampoo to get off any sweat or jizz from the hair of the love doll. Some people use shampoos that come in aerosol cans instead of the more traditional way.

Many love doll stores manufacture their dolls with real hair. Do not ignore the hair because bacteria can grow there. It is necessary to make sure that pubic hair is clean.

Be sure that no remaining ejaculate, sweat, or dust is present on the pubic hair of your love doll. This area is susceptible to bacterial growth and later may cause infection.

When cleaning the wigs of the lifelike love dolls, remove the wigs and wash them with shampoo under running water. You can submerge it in a bucket of cold water mixed with soap and stir it.

Then, remove the wig in the water for some time to soak it. Now rinse the wig with plain clean water to remove the soap or shampoo. After washing the hair of your love doll, be sure to air dry or blow dry the hair.

Then, use a wide-toothed comb or hairbrush to remove any knots in the hair of the love doll. You should wash her hair at least once a month, irrespective of how many times you spoil her hair.

Drying Your Love Doll

Drying the adult female dolls is a crucial step. If not dried, the moisture accumulates bacteria and forms molds. After washing and cleaning, each part of her should be dry and free of moisture.

You can either air dry them or make them sit under the sun to evaporate any moisture. As privacy is a concern, you should use more subtle means to dry your doll.

You can insert a dry cotton swab or tampon into the holes of the love doll. This will soak in any remaining moisture and leave the holes dry. Make sure to spread the legs widely so that they dry more easily.

You can run a dry towel over the body of the love doll to wipe off the moisture. You can also use baby powder or talcum powder. It will soak away all the moisture and leave a good fragrance.

Electric hair dryers can be problematic once your doll’s hair is attached to her body. The current can react with the material and harm the silicone material of the love doll.

Remove Stains

If by mistake anything left stains on your real-life sex doll’s skin, be sure to clean them away as soon as you can. Some stains dissipate on their own, while others are hard to remove from the love doll.

Here you should be careful and see that the products you are using will not react with the silicone material. You can use a stain removal cream to remove stains from the love doll.

Dab the stains with the cream and let it sit for some time. Then gently wipe it off with a dry towel or napkin. Only use spirits and mineral stain resorts as a last resort as they can sometimes harm the skin of the love doll.

Handling And Storing Your Sex Dolls

While carrying your real life dolls adult or young, do not hold her at the joints like the head and elbow. Too much force can detach the doll. Additionally, you can store these silicone dolls folded or straight.

Also, sharp objects usually do not affect these silicone love dolls. However, it is always better to be safe than sorry. You can store them in cold or warm places, but you can’t store the love doll in places with too much heat.

Love dolls are resistant to tear but the clothes and accessories are not. So be careful with the clothes. Although, you can buy new ones if the old ones get spoiled but still.

Lastly, Doll Them Up However You Want and Have Fun

Now your real-life sex doll is clean and fresh like new love dolls, and she is sitting in a safe place. Additionally, you can dress her up however you want. You can buy more accessories from online sex toy stores and dress her up.

Get her a new wig, a new pair of lingerie, or new boots. You can change her eyelashes and makeup too. You can change her lips from bright red to pale pink and all your favorite colors. Your love doll is now in your hands and is well taken care of. So, go get it again and give yourself the pleasure that you always crave.